Past Events
Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Spring 2021

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

Fall 2016

Spring 2016





July: Diaspora, Archive, and the Future of African American Studies Symposium, Howard University, Washington DC (co-sponsored with Howard University’s Department of English)
April: “‘Let Freedom Ring:’ Art and Democracy in the King Years:” Lannan Literary Symposium (co-sponsored with the Lannan Center)
October: Jabari Asim, Writer and Editor of “The Crisis” — “Who Can Say the N Word?”
May: The African American Studies Program was approved as a free-standing minor in the College.
April: Mr. Alvin Singleton, Composer — “Against All Odds: The Life and Career of Alvin Singleton” (co-sponsored with the Department of Performing Arts) Dr. Paul Gilroy, Giddens Professor of Social Theory, London School of Economics –“Race and the Right to Be Human”(co-sponsored with the Department of English)
March: Black Women of the Civil Rights Movement Symposium (CSPAN broadcast)
February: Dr. Duane Cooper, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA — “Quantifying Fairness” (co-sponsored with the Department of Mathematics)
October: Memorial service for the passing of Mrs. Rosa Parks, Healy Lawn
April: Amiri Baraka, Author and Professor — “Art as a Form of Politics” (co-sponsored with the Department of English and the Lannan Program) Black Archipelago: A Literary Festival (co-sponsored with the Lannan Program)
February: Inauguration of three-year Black British Writer in Residency Program, in partnership with the British Council and co-sponsored with Humanities Institute Initiative and the Lannan Poetry Series (Bernadine Evaristo, Diran Adebayo, and Courtia Newland)
November: Dr. Deidre Royster, Associate Professor of Sociology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA — “Race and the Invisible Hand” (co-sponsored with the Department of Sociology)
October: Dr. Ronald Walters, Professor of Political Science, UMD, College Park, MD — “African American Interests in the Election of 2004”
September: “Remembering Brown v. Board of Education,” a university commemoration. (Also hosted a concurrent symposium for students from Ron Brown Middle School. Among the day’s speakers were Linda Brown, Julian Bond, Juan Williams, and Mary Frances Berry. Co-sponsored by Office of Student Financial Services and Sallie Mae)
March: Dr. Hortense Spillers, Frederick J. Whiton Professor of English at Cornell University — “The Idea of Black Culture” (with the Department of English)
February: Reception celebrating the first anniversary of the African American Studies Program
Co-sponsored film festival of Black academy award winners (with Georgetown Student Film Circle)
Co-sponsored bus tour of Black Georgetown (with NAACP)
Co-sponsored the Black Theater Ensemble’s Poetry Slam
Co-sponsored book talk (with the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access)
Black History Month
November: Valerie Lancaster Beal (C’76) “Beyond Georgetown: How to Succeed”
April: African American Studies Program’s inaugural lecture: Dr. Lee D. Baker, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Duke University, Durham, NC — “DuBois, Boaz and the Idea of Race”